Recently there has been great interest in civics, the notion of our civil society, and stability in politics. In my critical thinking classes I always ask my students how...
I Feel the Need for Speed–How AI can help with creating effective scenarios and case studies for class discussions
I was in a department chat group the other day and we were discussing our fears of and the possible benefits of AI like ChatGPT to help us in the classroom. I shared an...
Confirmation bias—when you can’t see the forest for the trees
Imagine that one day a student approaches you in class and tells you that he or she cannot use the assigned textbook for the class because the author is presenting...
The benefits of taking time—why we should slow down to explore examples in critical thinking
Teaching complex and sometimes tricky ideas like fallacies to students is a challenge that I have found daunting in the years that I have taught critical thinking. I have...
Fear, Anger, and Denial—How do critical thinkers deal with barriers during a crisis?
Have you ever made a bad choice in life? Most of us have at some point and if we go back and analyze what went wrong, we often find that there was some barrier to our...
Solving a problem? What method will you use?
In my last post, I delved into a real-life example of how we go about looking for the answers to our problems and how...
Take the Ego out of Decision Making
I went to lunch with a friend the other day and she provided
an excellent example...
Questioning: Building Bridges and Making Connections
How many questions have you asked in your class this week? If you are teaching a lecture type class you may have a reserved period at the end of class and there may be questions, or the...